Sunday, October 9, 2011

Green is Mean - Green is Meaner Than All of Your Bullies

1: Track 1
2 : "I love you you're perfect n"
3 : "The Engagement"
4 : Track 4
5 : Track 5
6 : Track 6
7 : "High Fives at 7"

This band rules. Sadly, I (and apparently, the rest of the internet) know nothing about this band. There are no track listings for the download and the song titles in quotes are what those three tracks are called on the band's MySpace.

I found out about this band a couple years ago and I absolutely fell in love with the song "The Engagement." I then spent a lifetime looking for a download somewhere, found it, grabbed it, and subsequently lost it. Turns out Chug Life has had it since Oct. '09, about the time I got into GiM. I remember some girl on Tumblr told me that, because I knew this band, I was super awesome/hip/some stupid other shit.

Just check them out. They mix intense screams with clean guitar, even more intense screams with slow and heavy doom-y guitars, and fuck, download it.

If downloading obscure screamo bands on-a-whim isn't really your thing, I did a quick (read: low quality) upload of "The Engagement" to Youtube almost a full year ago.

Green is Meaner Than All of Your Bullies

FFO : That video ^

-Raphael B.

1 comment:

  1. I used to see and/or play with this band once a month in between 2004-2006ish at the New Market Grange Hall near Frederick, MD. They were great.
